Mickey Balloon

Mickey Balloon

Monday, June 13, 2016

Hello my Disney Darlings!
I would like to start out by saying I am in no means a blogger. I am just an Idaho girl with a love of Disney. That being said bare with me as a stumble my way through my first post!

I would like to dedicate this post to my fantastic husband, Mitch Dame. He never ceases to amaze me. He has always endured my Disney obsession, and lets face it, he even partakes in the Disney magic every now and then. Mitch has always had this uncanny ability to know how to make me happy. Whether it is making funny faces, spontaneous date nights, or simply surprising me with a Diet Dr. Pepper from Sonic he always brightens my day.

The photo above depicts one of the ways he brings a smile to my face. I am currently wearing all my favorite pieces of jewelry from Mitch. Naturally they all have some kind of Disney affiliation. The Mickey ears necklace (found on the disneystore.com website) was a Christmas present from him. My engagement ring was designed by him and given to me at... you guessed it... Disneyland! That brings us to the black diamond ring on my right hand. He gave me this gorgeous surprise today, on my birthday! It is the Malificent ring (found on catbirdnyc.com).

While sparkly surprises are always welcome it is the things that Mitch does for me on a daily basis that make him incredible. I could not have asked for a more caring and spectacular human being to spend the past 9 birthdays and all of my remaining birthdays with.

"Real rewards await those who choose wisely"
The Disney Dame